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Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change

The University of Michigan's Ginsberg Center created a massive open online course (MOOC) available to anyone. The MOOC is a comprehensive course meant to provide an introduction to engaging in public service work.

Learning in
Learning in Community: Public Workshop

The University of Michigan's Ginsberg Center offers a version of their E3 workshop to the public. This is a great option for individuals without student organization affiliation who want to participate in a workshop.

Entering, Exiting, and Engaging with Communities

The University of Michigan's Ginsberg Center offers workshops for UM student organizations that address all of the stages of community engagement. The link above will take you to a workshop request form.

CommonGround: Dialogic Workshop

The University of Michigan's Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR) offers a workshop to groups of UM students that focuses on identity development and social justice community building. The link above will take you to an information page.

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